ScenTree was conceived and built between 2017 and 2020. Initially, the aim was to gather and harmonize knowledge of raw materials. It quickly became what you see today. After two years of developing the software and database, we are proud to share our work with you today.

General partners

Cinquième Sens logo ISIPCA logo

Media partner

Nez la revue logo

Ingredient partner

Quosentis logo Van Aroma logo Mane logo Synthite logo

Biolandes logo BASF logo Synarome logo dsm-firmenich logo

Event partners

Beautyworld Middle East's logo The Colors' logo Beautycluster Barcelona's logo
Olfaction & Perspective 2022' logo IFEAT's logo Rives de la beauté's logo

IT development

  • BAUD Maxime
  • DE VIENNE Damien

English translation

Legal information

  • VASKOU Marie

Graphic Design, Visuals, and Colors

  • JACQUOT Muriel (Apport de l'expertise de Myrissi pour la couleur des familles et descripteurs)
  • ERCOLANELLI Clara (Logo)


  • AMIEL Fanny - (Fine fragrance development manager at Symrise AG)
  • ASTORRI Marc - (Perfumer at Thaï Flavour and Fragrance Co.Ldt)
  • AMANTEA Thomas - (Vice President Sales France & Italy at Ultra International)
  • BAKOUCHE Stéphanie - (Perfumer Freelance at SENSABA)
  • BAUDRY Carine - (Tea and infusion expert - Teacher olfaction/flavours at ISIPCA)
  • BELLOT Raphaël - (Apprentice in Fine Fragrance Analytical Chemistry)
  • BELSON Christy - (Apprentice in Fine Fragrance & Beauty evaluation at Givaudan SA)
  • BOERSCH Pierre - (Junior Perfumer at Cosmo International Fragrances)
  • BONDANT Isabelle - (Co-Founder of Nose on the Road)
  • BORNE Margot - (Olfactive quality control at TAKASAGO)
  • BOURQUIN Solène - (Technical studies officer in perfumery)
  • BUCHANAN Jessica - (Perfumer freelance at 1000 Flowers)
  • BURRI Sarah - (Perfumer at Cinquième Sens)
  • CARINI Margherita - (Junior Perfumer at Symrise AG)
  • CERVI Yohan - (Director of Creation at MAELSTROM Parfumeurs)
  • CHAUVIN Téo -(Fine fragrance evaluator at Symrise AG)
  • CHÊNE Geoffrey - (Deputy manager of the olfactive quality control department at TAKASAGO)
  • CHICHE Elia - (Junior perfumer)
  • CIRENDINI Nina -(Junior FDM – Firmenich)
  • COTTIN Elodie - (Co-founder at Récoltes)
  • CSATLOVSZKY- NAGY Veronika Rebeka - (Junior perfumer at Cinquième Sens)
  • DECOLIN Clémence - (Fine fragrance evaluator)
  • DEMATONS Aurélie - (Founder of LE MUSC & LA PLUME)
  • DE STAEL Eléonore - (Perfumer Creator at Eléonore DE STAEL)
  • DURBEC Elodie - (Raw material perfumer at Robertet Group)
  • DURIEZ Jean-Michel - (Perfumer at Parfums Jean-Michel Duriez Paris)
  • FALIU Juliette - (Consultant and Writer at Le Nez Bavard)
  • FATTOUH Abdulkader - (Perfumer student at Firmenich perfumery school)
  • FATTAL A.Elie - (Junior evaluator fine fragrance at Givaudan SA)
  • FERRAND Isabelle - (Owner at Cinquième Sens)
  • FIZET-PREVOT Hélène - (Perfumer Freelance at HF PERFUMES)
  • FRACHON Axelle - (Perfume Trainer)
  • GALLO Florian - (Perfumer at Firmenich)
  • GEORGIEV Stéphane - (Graduate of ESP / Founder at Porte-Mouillettes Paon)
  • GREZAUD-TOSTAIN Anna - (Ingredient reporter & technical expert)
  • GINISTY Pauline - (Project manager at Groupe Rocher)
  • GINOLIN Fanny - (Perfumer assistant at Eléonore DE STAEL)
  • GUILBAUD FORN Alexandre - (Scent Technology & Innovation Fine Fragrance Intern)
  • HAGUIER Mathilde - (Junior perfumer at IPRA Fragrances)
  • HELWANI Alexandre - (Headwriter at The Perfume Chronicles / Perfumer / Author)
  • JACCARD Martin - (Co-founder at Récoltes - Fine Fragrance development Manager at Symrise AG)
  • JOUANILLOU Josué - (Junior Fragrance Development Manager - Home Care at Symrise AG)
  • LAMBERT Hanna - (Analyst Perfumer Apprentice at Only Fragrance)
  • LASZCZYNSKI Jacek - (Perfumery student at Givaudan SA)
  • LAURENT Mathilde - (Perfumer at Cartier)
  • LE HELLEY Suzy - (Perfumer at Symrise AG)
  • LE FLEM Gabriel - (Study leaders)
  • LEHOUSSEL Charlotte - (Fragrance Development Manager chez Technicoflor)
  • LEMONNIER Aymeric - (Perfumer assistant at Mane & Fils)
  • LERIOUX PATRIS Joelle - (Independant Perfumer. Founder of Le Parfumeur Français)
  • LOURY Marie - (Scent Design Associate at IFF)
  • MENDIL Laura - (Fine fragrance evaluation at Symrise AG)
  • METTETAL Alexandra - (Perfumer junior at Technicoflor)
  • MEUNIER Nicolas - (Technical parfumeur assistant)
  • MANUEL Valentine - (Founder at SENSOBOX)
  • MONEUSE Caroline - (FDM trainee at Parfums Givenchy)
  • MORVAN Axel - (Analyst Perfumer)
  • NIEDERGANG Inès - (Fine fragrance evaluation Intern)
  • NORMAND Sophie - (Writer - Perfume Trainer)
  • OLCZYK Nicolas - (Fragrance Expert at Parfums, Tendances & Inspirations)
  • OROFINO Delphine - (Marketing of perfumes and cosmetics)
  • PASCAL Coline - (Fragrance development manager at Compoz Paris)
  • PERDRIEL Céline - (Senior perfumer at Cosmo International Fragrances)
  • PILGEUN Kim - (GIP Grasse / Symrise Paris FF evaluation)
  • PLAN Sébastien - (Perfumer & founder at Abstraction Paris)
  • PROIA Stéphane - (Junior evaluator)
  • RAYNAL Sabine - (Teacher at ISIPCA)
  • REVILLARD Patrice - (Co-Founder and Perfumer at MAELSTROM Parfumeurs)
  • SANTIAGO Ashley - (Fine fragrances perfumer at Givaudan)
  • SARICA Jordan - (Perfumer intern at Accord & Parfum)
  • SAINT-CIREL Yolenn - (Perfumer assistant at Takasago)
  • SCHNIRER Marie - (Co-Founder and Perfumer at MAELSTROM Parfumeurs)
  • SZEJNBERG Léna - (Brand Content Executive at L'Artisan Parfumeur)
  • TAMEN Jeremy - (Tea expert - ethnobotanist - enseignant olfaction/arômes ESP)
  • TOULEMONDE Anthony - (Co-Founder at VIOLET Parfum)
  • TOURNAY Domitille - (Fragrance development manager)
  • TRANI Christelle - (Perfumer at IPRA Fragrances)
  • VILLEPREUX Céline - (Raw Materials Expert at Firmenich)
  • ZARZYCKI Romane - (Perfumer student at Mane & Fils)
  • ZAROKIAN Cécile - (CEO / Independant perfumer at Cécile Zarokian Perfumer)
  • ZIMER Pauline - (-)
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